Again, this Christmas Season, DAI Members have stepped up in a big way to make sure needy children in our community receive an excellent Christmas by adopting all 50 angels on the DAI Salvation Army Angel Tree.
Thanks to all DAI members who donated their money, time, and thoughtfulness to the Angel Tree program this year and helped many kids and families have an extremely Merry Christmas.
Thanks to all who helped load the truck that deliver these Christmas presents to families in need.
Thanks to Melanie Millet for continuing as the main coordinator of the DAI Angel Tree Program, and many other DAI members for their continued initiative to keep this a DAI Christmas tradition for so many years.
We can all be pleased and proud of this program and its results…happy kids and lives changed.
Thank you everyone for your generous giving spirit.
Merry Christmas!!!

Matthew, Icie, Cade, & Melanie with DAI Angel Tree gifts.

Icie Bibbs with gifts for 50 angels.

Cade, Matthew, & Melanie preparing to load gifts into the truck.

Melanie & Icie loading the truck.

Lt. Donna Watt of Salvation Army with the DAI Angel Tree crew and a truck load of Christmas Presents from DAI members.